What's Happening in Bay of Plenty

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Rotorua - Taupo rideshare

Rotorua - Taupo

ride from Tauranga

MTB Monday - Queens Bday - June 2

Go for a beer or a coffee in Taupo

Advice for New Life Option

Advice for New Life Option

Advice for New Life Option

Host a House Concert: travel the world without leaving your living room

Any places for rent? $$$

Last minute couch needed

Mount Ruapehu Hike Sat. 24 Nov

Would like to explore around Rotorua the 18th

Tongariro Alpine Crossing - lift needed to Pukenoake Car Park

Meet locals and find a flat

Looking for a ride South

Anybody on Rotorua on Feb 2nd?

Monthly Rotorua CS Meetups, first Wednesday of the month

Rhythm and vines

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