What's Happening in Vigo

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Bilbao Meeting Mundiala 2018 (International Weekend)

Domingo 9, A Caminar...!


Vigo Spain, from 29th to 3rd

monthly meeting this friday @ MAispala

Help : I don't know where I'll be at midnight on NYE...

I want to help with fire relief!

Excursiones Vigo y alrededores??

Camino portugués from Vigo

Knowing people and speaking languages

partido Celta-Madrid miércoles 25 de enero

Beer tonight? Coffee tomorrow?

Visitar Vigo

Visiting Vigo

Anyone up for going to TOY´s gig?

Escalar / rockclimbing

Anyone up for a walk/drink/coffee?

Anyone up for checking Electric Feels DJs live?

Plan?Mercado con los cracks de Electric Feels pinchando

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