Formerly known as Canton, Guangzhou is a booming city and important trade hub in close proximity to Hong Kong. This city is equal parts charming history and forward-thinking innovation. Visitors to Guangzhou can see some remarkable modern architecture like the soaring and brightly-lit Canton Tower or the Guangzhou Opera House with its unique shape and striking lines. In the same day, you can see ancient Buddhist and Taoist temples such as the Temple of the Six Banyan Trees with its ornate nine-story pagoda taking center stage.

Yuexui Hill contains the the Five Rams sculpture and the impressive Zhenhai Tower, and is surrounded by great natural beauty. For an altogether different experience, make your way to Shamian Island. This area on the Pearl River is a testament to the period of European colonialism in the city, with old pedestrian streets, colonial buildings and Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel.

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