What's Happening in Çanakkale

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meeting with people

CS Survey. Please share your time and thoughts. :)

Çanakkale married couple writes

Emergency - need couch for 2 persons

Need advice about Gökçeada

9th and 10th August > Canakkale Meet up

trip by the coast of turkey - canakkale included!

hello everybody

Serbest dalis


Çanakkaleyi gezdirebilecek günübirlik eşlik edebilecek

ASOS trip for in 3-4 august..

A Trip to Mars

Cycling into Oil Free Aegean Sea

Türk kahveside olur Çayda

Çanakkale hitchhiking

Canakkale'ye mümkün gelmem ile ilgili yardim talepleri...

Ferry From Lemnos (Greece) to Canakkale

CS Survey. Please share your time and thoughts. :)

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