What's Happening in Aarhus

New Topic

meet new friends, exchange experiences and cultures

Meeting up on Wednesday

Advice for getting to central Aarhus from USA

burlesque show saturday night

Couch for the weekend??

Looking for Danish participants for a food taste experiment!!

French guy wanna meet local people or other travelers

In Aarhus for the next 2 months and want to make the best of it!

International event (9th October)

Searching a host 13 October!hey-hey)

6 new students arrive in town for the next 6 months and need a house

Blogger looking for food and culture in AArhus

Getting to Ben Guiron with public transportation early morning- how?

Meeting people in Aarhus (Sep 22nd-26th)


Just arrived

Free concert with Tina Dickow for international students

Going out in Aarhus

Company for the weekend Aug 22-23

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