Qué ocurre en Badakhshan

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Who is visiting Gilgit-Baltistan, North Pakistan.

Soost border to Khunjrab Pass


who can help me in buying a carpet? :)

Visiting Hunza

what to do and what to see

Trip on march

Looking for a local guide to Isfahan

Нужна помощь памирцев!

I will be in isfahan for a month!

Renting a car in Isfahan

Visiting Karumabad and Hunza

Staying in Khorog for a month / Остаться в Хороге на месяц

Visiting Dushanbe and the mountains of Tadjikistan

Visiting Karimabad

Visiting Hunza in April

Karakoram Highway

British cycling couple wanting to meet people!

A Trip to Mars

Imamat Day

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