What's Happening in Binnenstad

New Topic

The Belgians are coming!

Room for rent to share with happy people who love travelling and hosting CSers :)

Moving in to Maastricht! HELP! :)


Looking photographer , prefer student

Recommendations for 1day walk in Maastricht- 12/13 March

Maastricht 2-months stay. Help :)

Towns/villages near Maastricht recommendations...

Couchsurfers of Maastricht, I need help!


Knowing maastricht

HELLO! 2 belgian are looking for a place to stay saturday night!


Anyone can help us to find a place to rent for two months

Hangout 12 or 13 December?

Could anyone host us (3 girls) from 7-9 November? :)

Any locals or travelers to hang out on October 15th

Hosting from 24 till 27 october

Zoek een host in Maastricht van 21 t/m 26 september

Need accompany

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