以下地点的最新动态: Bratislava


NY's Eve

Looking for someone to meet up with tonight

New Year's Eve in Bratislava

Looking for Concert Places to Play

New guy in town (26th December)

couch for 1 night (26th December) BA

where is everybody?! Call to Good-Will-Barter


Must C in Bratislava??? Clubs,cafes, art, museums

Tips for restaurants and transport in Bratislava

Anyone in for going ti nu spirit tonight

around Bratislava

Lets meet


International Christmas party is this Friday 12.12 in The Square Bratislaba

Hi! Looking for a couchsurfer for tomorrow 17th and 18th ! Thanks !

Brazil Slovak exchange?

Bratislava-->Krakow 12/12/14 ride?

urgent couch for one night 13th Dec

Please help me by filling my survey
