What's Happening in Bromma city district

New Topic

where to go for partying and electronic music

Looking for Swedish people to visit Stockholm or just have a beer

Meeting locals to see an alternative Stockholm

Exploring Stockholm for the first time this weekend !

looking for a place to live

Looking for a host on 26 June

Dancer looking for a host!

German Girl in Stockholm 27.8.-03.09.

Spanish KTH Student moving to Stockholm

2 Lindyhoppers looking for host, Stockholm June 30th - July 2nd

2 days in Stockholm

New in Stockholm (+50km)

Musician from Portland, OR in town for 1 night, hang out?

Place for one night for two hitchhikers in 26. 6?

The best train connection from Stocholm to Norway

Rent room in Stockholm for 3 months

Experimental music

Looking for host

Looking for a kind and fun host!

16th to 18 th July I´m looking for a couch

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