What's Happening in Centretown

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Algonquin National Park - June 11-12

Canada Dance Festival (Sat June 11)

3 weeks in Ottawa

In Ottawa for 2 days (May 17-18)

House and Dog sit for Long weekend?

Drive Toronto to ottawa

Driving from Ottawa to Montreal Sun Apr 24

Looking for job ASAP

Bilbao Meeting Mundiala 2016 (June 10-12)

Hike In The Gatineau Park

Anybody is up for drinks or night out

Anyone for a drink in Ottawa on april 9th


SKI this week end March 19-20

Looking for help with English language

Wanted: host for the night

Need a host for the weekend!

Free $50 from Tangerine Bank

Any Local HipHop Fans? Anyone want to join me??

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