Qué ocurre en Charlotte

Nuevo tema

Need Host 12/12-12/23

Anyone that can host me starting today

Do you like to meet local Charlotte people?

Can anyone in Charlotte host me? It’s been tough

Anyone there?

How active is Couchsurfing these days?

Still Hosting Despite Covid

UNCC people out there?

Looking for down to earth people to join me for road trip c

New Couchsurfing event onYoutube!

Explore city and go on road trips

facing homelessness

Friend Stranded in Charlotte

Looking for a ride!

Worth a Stop?

DON'T BE ALONE AT Christmas & New years eve 2019!

Roadtrip to Nashville, TN flexible dates

Couchsurfing crash in Greenville S.C.

Fourth of July in Charlotte

También cerca de Charlotte, NC, USA: