What's Happening in Cottbus

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Hilfe! HOST for tonight? :) two cyclists

Sorbian language

Come along to Tropical Islands Waterpark on Wednesday, 15 August!

FC Energie Cottbus match- is it safe?

Location für ein kleines Konzert in Cottbus am 03.11.2017

Meet up, look around :)

Von Wegen Lisbeth am 25.2.17

Echange de langues ou conversation en français

A room for 3 months

Language exchange (Deutsch - Arabic - English )

Cottbus, first time

A host for 1/2 nights

Can anyone suggest some nice live, acoustic music venues in town?


Another try - Meeting in the next week/Neuer Versuch - Meeting in der nächsten Woche

flat for me?

Meeting - Thursday, 30/07

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