What's Happening in Gülşehir

New Topic

Is there anyone in Gülşehir?

Is it possible to fly in paragliding in Cappadocia?

Hanging around Göreme

1 day Sightseeing in Nevsehir-

is it possible to ride a ballon and visit the city in one day?

Need a place for staying a couple days

10-14 Ocak Antrenörlük Eğitimine Geliyoruz..

Help me make a change

Balon Turu

host in kapadokya

Visit Goreme, wanna meet up for local people

Who wants to visit Capadocia with me?

Looking for a last minute couch!!

★ hello ! 2 backpackers need host ★

Hitchhiking south?

Underground city ;)

Anyone with a place for two nights ;>?

URGENT! Accommodation for one! :)

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