What's Happening in Bir Al Maskoob

New Topic

Who can show me the the city?

Jerusalem from (any) Friday afternoon to Sunday morning.

French/Arabic language exchange/ New in Ramallah

Masada and Dead sea

Yom Kippur in Yerushalaim

finding place in Jerusalem

Laast minute

Trip to Masada

suggestions thanksssssssss

gas tank for gast stove

Best hiking/camping trails nearby?

Looking for a room in May(04-08)

Meeting up in Ramallah

Hostel in Jerusalem?

Crossing Border from Jerusalem To Amman

Hebrew-German language tandem Jerusalem

Hanging out

Looking for a room in February

One Day Trip - Jerusalem-Bethlehem-Jericho-Dead Sea-Jerusalem

Looking for a Pack-n-Play (travel crib/cot) for baby 6-8 Feb

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