以下地点的最新动态: Kassel


Couchsurfing Meetings

Tandem Partner (German and English)

Language Buddy | Sprachfreund (German-English)

I´m looking for a tandem partner German

Looking for a running partner in kassel

Deutsch-Portuges Sprachaustausch / Learning

Room to rent in a flat :)

Band in search for gigs

Looking for a place to stay in Kassel 25th thru 26th!

Learning language :)

Couchsurfing Trip durch Südeuropa

Vielleicht sucht jemand für etwa zwei Monate n Plätzchen in Kassel?

Last Minute couch request for 04.09.17

Documenta and city

Documenta tips

Documental 8-11 / Munster Sculture Project 11-13

Hangout on Tuesday 1 of August

Anyone wants to visit the Documenta with me?
