Qué ocurre en Kazan

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Three travellers in Kazan for 3 days

Coming to Kazan next week.

Ищу друзей для прогулок на выходные с 9 декабря

Приглашение. Invitation


Any expat groups/ meetings in Kazan?

Welcome to Kazan

Exploring Kazan and meeting people :-D

What is your unique experience about your beautiful country?

Coming to Kazan this weekend and looking for company

Do u Know an Internet Cafe? or Business Center? w Computers

Meet up in Kazan and maybe share a car to the nature around!

From Los Angeles to Russia!

Добрые люди))!

Weekend hangouts

Казань! Kazan! Please, help:)

18th - 21th April at Kazan

Kazan to Bolgar

вы не поверите, но снова съемки для ТВ! серьёзный канал!

Kazan 11-12.12

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