What's Happening in Košice

New Topic

Kosice in a day: coworking, farmers market

Regional CS meeting in Bihor/Suncuius

Where to have a nap during the day?


free ride to Transylvania (Romania)

Would like to hangout.

Looking for a host!

Košice to Krakow

SWANS (USA) + support: Little Annie // Tabačka

visiting Kosice 05-06.1. anybody to hang out / host

Visiting Kosice 29.12 - anybody wanna hang out?


Job offers for foreign/different languages speakers in Poland

What to see - where to drink - what to experience 30.09 / 01.10


Visiting Kosice 30.09/01.10

Supertramp tours - East Slovakia :)

Kosice - Uzhgorod (crossing the border with Ukraine)

Journalist from Bosnia looking for locals in Bratislava and Kosice

1 day in Košice, would like to hangout and see all the best

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