What's Happening in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

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Gran Canaria recommendations

Tracking by Day, Cinema at Night , rest of the time eat well.

English conversations with an experienced teacher and translator

bailar tango en Tenerife y Gran Canaria

Backpacking Gran Canaria from January


Language exchange

BoardGames, Role Playing Games / Juegos de Mesa y Rol.

Looking for a room for three months in Las Palmas

Visiting 19-27th Nov. Host & workout/adventure/musical buddies?

ARC - from Las Palmas to Saint Lucia - Looking for a place

Looking for new people in Gran Canaria

Visiting 11/5-25

Visiting Gran Canaria Dec-Mar, meetup for trail running?

ROADTRIP! Let's go - around 11th Nov

Cheap accomodation July till end September

Gran Canaria 2-6 de septiembre

2 local friends looking for a roomate

Alguien que construya barcos?

Companhia para um café

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