Événements à Manila

Nouveau sujet

Couch surfing round the world

Laptop for sale

CS Article on Business World out

CS Meetup Sept 12, 2007

CS Manila Meet at Serendra

CS Manila Meet-up to Welcome Mervyn

Group hosting/meeting in September?

Manila Group Unity!

Wants to visit but don't knwo where to go

CS gathering Makati, Philippines

video cam equipment for rent

Couch surfing / CS gathering in makati

CS gathering Makati, Philippines

CS gathering Makati, Philippines

CS gathering Makati, Philippines

A bit off topic: Arts related

RSVP: CS Manila Karaoke Night - August 2, 2007

PUBLICITY: Good or Not for the community?

Visit Manila March 2008 , What to see there

RSVP: CS Meetup: 28-Jul-07

Également à proximité de  :