What's Happening in Nord

New Topic

Latinos en Gante

Interested in Gent

Emergency stay in Ghent

4-20 DIY BYOB Celebration of Legalization in Germany

City tour in Gent


Park and Ride near Lille

Un verre après dîner le 25 octobre à Lille ?

Last minute Ghent

Baignade à Mons

Mons juillet-août

Accommodation in Ghent

Lookinf for acomodation in Ghent.

Do you need a room for the summer in Lille ? :)

Looking for accomodation in Ghent!!!

Gentse Feesten

Room / Flat from 19 September till 11 November

Accommodation in Ghent !!!

Looking for 2 beds in Ghent.

Lille social group

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