What's Happening in North Kalimantan

New Topic

Advise on moving to Tawau

How to get from Tarakan to Maratua?

Road Trip or Hitchhike to East Kalimantan

Road Trip or Hitchhike to East Kalimantan

Need advise

Maratua, Derawan trip companion from 31st May to 5th June

Let's meet up for Christmas!

Traveler In Tarakan


Tawau Now

Saya may pergi ke Derawan from Beray kecil harga

Just moved to LD

invited traveling together

diving trip in oct

Seporna-Mabul-Danum Valley

Visiting Mabul and Sipadan

Danum Valley today

CS meet up in Tawau-Lahad Datu

Apa yang tidak boleh terlewatkan di Tarakan ?

Diving in Sipadan

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