What's Happening in Palma de Mallorca

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Trip advices

Last minute host!

short stay in Palma for 3 people (15/16 january)

Climbing/hiking on Mallorca

Int'l Filmmaker seeking nice company and a couch to crash on! (Jan15-18)

My Mum, me and toddler serching for a host in Palma :)

Two girls looking for couch or piece of floor :)

Anyone wants to hang out, join a road-trip or is interested to host? (7th-10th January)

27th dec until 4th jan... renting a car, hanging out etc.

Host searched in palm from the 1st until the 4th of January

Posible viaje a Mallorca - todavía no abandoné la esperanza de encontrar un alojamiento!

How do you celebrate New Year?

rent a car for one-day trip around the island.

one week in Majorka

Looking for host or local to show me around :)

Brazilian-German couple searching for last minute home for 3 nights!

can't find a host !


Car trip for the weekend!

Planes para Nochevieja en Palma de Mallorca.

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