What's Happening in Passau

New Topic

Working in passau

Passau and Bayerisher Wald National Park

weekend in passau?

Suchen Bleibe für eine Nacht

The 10th BIG Franconian Meeting 2016, Nuremberg

beers tonight

Running in Passau..

2x1 Nacht :) 18. und 20.6.


Passau dringend :-)

Passauer Lateinamerikagespräche

Hat jemand heute Zeit und Lust uns Passau zu zeigen?

русский язык

Intercambio Español-Aleman

Vacation in Africa in May/ June?

Working in a cosy café on Thursday 4th

Any one fancy a drink sometimes ?

Looking for a room from 19.10 - 01.11

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