What's Happening in Prešov District

New Topic

Documentary film - Andy Warhol, migration and slovak culture

Didn't find a place to stay and I'm already out of staying resquests!

FIRST EVER CS Camp in Bydgoszcz, Poland!

* Amalfi Coast International CS Summer Camp 2016, Italy *


Looking for a CS flatmate? ;)

Looking for place to stay in Berlin

local advice for us???

Good buddies on the way

1 French + 1 Venezuelan

1 French + 1Venezuelan

Singer-songwriter concerts / bars in Presov??

from WEoodstock too Velký Šariš

From Woodstock poland too slovakia

What's Your Dream?

Help translate postcards for a better world into Slovak

50 CSers sailing for one adventure

Bike-sharing.org: find a free bicycle wherever you are

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