What's Happening in Princeville

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Would love to try local food while on Kauai!

Kauai Sept 27th-Oct1st

Car share 9th -14th

Things to do in rain

Looking to hang out with locals :)

On Kauai until 20th July, searching sharing my travel

Driving Teacher?


1 month on Kauai

store luggage

Lets play and make new friends

Looking for soulmates/friends on Kauai

store 3 luggage bags(3 days max)

Looking for a couch

Maui to Kauai- looking for a couch and the best way to get there

Looking for a couch in Kauai

I would love to make some connections on the garden island!

May 17th-20th

Hey! looking for a place to crash in Kauai!

3/12-3/19 Impromptu Kauai trip, would love to meet up

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