Qué ocurre en Rüdesheim am Rhein

Nuevo tema

Wie ist das Leben in Rüdesheim am Rhein? :)

Tandem Partner

The 11th BIG Franconian Meeting 2017, Nuremberg

The 10th BIG Franconian Meeting 2016, Nuremberg

The 9th BIG Franconian Meeting 2015, Nuremberg

Meet up during the holidays

The BIG Franconian meeting 2014

Small tour around town/Dinner at Fetzers

Suche Stellfläche für Umzugkartons und Möbel

New to the region :)

New to Bad Kreuznach

Lakeside Summer Camp - Dreamy Days & Party Nights


meet you

meeting people in Bad Kreuznach/ looking for appartment

III Bilbao Meeting Mundiala 2014. Spain.

Looking for a Couch and some tipes :)

moving to Bad Kreuznach

3 days in Bacharach

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