What's Happening in Rue Centrale

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What is must-see in Lausanne?

Monthly becomes weekly

Today or tomorrow

Photo-shooting project - Looking for a place

Looking for a guide

regarder dimanche le film "demain"

Bateau a louer

This weekend

Système d'enseignement à Lausanne

Sabaton@Lausanne, 18.02

Who wants to meet up? I live here!

going out, have some fun

Giuze 10th CS Bday

New Year CS Snow Camp in Switzerland! Join us!

Sous location 6 mois des 01.02.16

Tandem French-Italian

New Year's night! bar? clubbing?

cheap flat on the countryside (Palézieux), near Lausanne and Vevey for some months!

Pilgrim to Spain on Christmas

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