What's Happening in San Giuliano Terme

New Topic

Visitando Pisa por 3 días

looking for a host on 10.10 or later

Bozen 14-15 september and November and December

Need a host in mid-October!

Someone is ready to drink a coffee?

Looking for a place today

Pisa : 7 September

Just go out

Budget-price ccomodation

Patente di guida :)

Cafe o una birra a Pisa

short visit in PISA

Short stay for a nice couple:D 26.-29.6.

Beer budies wanted (or even soft drinks of course)

two Russians in Pisa 3 nights 13.10-16.10

Pisa Couch 17/Oct

Pisa Friday September 20st

Tuscany day trip in a car in the end of October with a local!

Host from August 7th

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