What's Happening in Saransk

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How to reach kovylkino from saransk

A ride to Moscow or St. Petersburg

world cup expensive hostels at Saransk

Accommodation fans at the World Cup 2018

Traveling to random places!

Ищу ночлег и новых друзей)

Accommodation in Saransk for Worldcup 2018

Looking for a place to stay!

Travelling to Russia in June! (Advice very much appreciated)

Saransk at World Cup

I will visit Saransk jun 19 -24

Stay in Saranks willing to pay world cup

Help us! Mexicans coming to Russia!

From Moscu to Saransk

Going to Saransk in June for the Worldcup

Looking for a place to stay

Looking for a place to stay

12-13мая еду просто посмотреть город (не на ЧМ)

Looking a place or host in Saransk

Friends wanted

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