What's Happening in Savonlinna

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CS Survey. Please share your time and thoughts. :)


CS Survey. Please share your time and thoughts. :)

Anyone spontaneous enough?

Friends, I want to find you!!!!!

Can you put me up? :)

CS get-together in Savonlinna on Saturday 13th October

CS meeting in Savonlinna? Nähtäiskös?

A couple of days in Savonlinna

Research on the area

Looking for a room for June-August, any hints?

St. Peresburg-Savinlinna: any train/bus?

emergency couch needed on the 15th

Apartment in Savonlinna?

Savonlinnan sää 15.7?? Weather in Savonlinna 15.7?

Where to pick up Savonlinna Opera Festival Tickets

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