What's Happening in Shah Alam

New Topic

How much to live in Subang Jaya per month?

Anyone who can teach me to play the guitar?

Touring Taiwan

we want to celebrate Raya with you ! :)

Ajurveda massage/ Practising

Luggage drop for 5hours

Recommend me some rooms or studios in KL sentral

2 days 1 night trip to Taman Negara

Aquaria KLCC to Heli Lounge Bar

any host or hangout in KL

Anyone up for a meet?!

Traveller Meetup!

Looking for a host in KL for 12-05

Recommendations needed/ Meeting up

Host me while I hunt for an apartment?

Bukit Tabur

New Year Eve

Famille francaise en tour du monde passant en Malaisie cherche contacts

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