Événements à Wrocław

Nouveau sujet

Sleeping bag

What to do at New Years' Eve?

Male respondents needed for a survey about social networks :)

Need help at airport ( Erasmus student)

Chinese New Year Dinner/Party!!!

Sharing office in Wroclaw? Anyone??

Pokój blisko lotniska

hi all! friendly peaceful spiritual traveller

Wroclaw 02/10 & 03/10

Poszukuję mieszkania na 2-3 miesiące we Wrocławiu

Looking a place for 1+ nights: 30.09.-6.10!

New York Eve Lejdis night in August

1-4 sierpnia Wro/Nowe Horyzonty!

21-25 august Wroclaw

Woohoo! Moving to Wroclaw in July!

Tour guide

Please, help me to find Dormitory!!

Host who can tattoo me?

Couchsurfing Group

Également à proximité de Wroclaw, Poland :