What's Happening in Zürich

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Gogol Bordello in Winterthur, 21. 11.

Anything going on this weekend?

Fondue dinner @ Zurich

Point of views needed :)

Looking for a ciouch on 7th Nov!

Going out on Saturday

Meeting up this weekend (Saturday 20th)?

Breakfast on saturday?

Hello, I search for a couch for Sunday 21th October 2007

Apartment to rent in Effretikon

Request for a couch.Kinda urgent!!

Dringend: was heißt "Betreibungen"

Zürich November 9-11

Looking for a couch and meetingon on 6-8 October!

meet up on friday the 28th/tomorrow??

things to do.. places to stay..

Almodobar Zug Drinks

Party at Dule's in Zurich

party this friday night

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