What's Happening in Zagreb

New Topic

Meet for a drink this weekend?

3 people-Zagreb to Split

good people, good news

Anyone want to hang out Sunday or Monday?

New Yorker is leaving Zagreb soon..

5th Jan - Where to go?

10th Jan. in Zagreb, anyone there?

First time in Zagreb! Sightseeing and party!

Selling ticket for NYE party

Meeting local friends

carpooling Zagreb - Belgrade

free day trip tomorrow on Kalnik mountain near Zagreb

CS Zagreb Weekly Meeting (Xmas edition)

Video project (paying job)

Vip Snow Queen Trophy 2015.


Looking 4 Couch - 2 nights, 1st Jan - 3 Jan

selling a bus ticket to sarajevo

Balkan Mafia NYE - Sarajevo

New Yorker just hitched here from the BCN need your old clothes!

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