Qué ocurre en Zarqa

Nuevo tema

Traveling in September ?

To share a rented car

Any group is heading to WadiRum - Petra from Amman in the first or second of may?

Amman to Wadi Musa

Game of Thrones - Istanbul

Help me please

Jordan Carpool April 19-23

Info Amman and Petra / transportation

Public transport

Info for transportation - Best way to move for my journey

Wadi Rum

Cheap way to travel in Jordan

Amman-Jerash - al-Maghtas (Baptism Site) - Dead Sea - Amman

Some information needed from locals: self defense+animal shelter


Public transport information and/or trips together

Cheep travel only tomorrow

Avilable car with driver, low cost

Transportation Information Please

Mett up

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