Munich is Germany’s unofficial southern capital and one of the most visited cities in the country. Its Bavarian heritage gives Munich a fascinating historical side, but visitors also have an incredible amount of options when it comes to hitting the town for a good time in the evening. The city’s most renowned event is of course Oktoberfest, the massive beer festival which draws over 6 million people to Munich each year. But even if you’re not here during those two magical weeks in October, you can still visit the Hofbräuhaus, the 16th-century beer hall owned by the city’s most famous brewery, Staatliches Hofbräuhaus in München.

Visitors will want to see Munich’s historic Bavarian architecture, like the Nymphenburg Palace and New Town Hall, but there’s a lot of fun to be had outdoors, too. Visit Englischer Garten, a sprawling green park with a nudist beach and a churning wave in the river where surfers practice hanging ten. For an awesome day trip, take a tour to Neuschwanstein Castle, a 19th-century Romanesque palace perched on a rugged hill that is said to have inspired Walt Disney.

Padroni di casa della zona


5 membri disponibili adesso

Foto di J
Jonas desidera Umgebung erkunden circa 2 ore fa
Foto di F
Frank desidera explore the area 10 minuti fa
Foto di H
Hisham desidera Oktoberfest 34 minuti fa


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