Benoit AR BERR's Photo

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  • 7 references 5 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, French; learning English
  • 45, Male
  • Member since 2014
  • Medical imaging technician
  • Scientific education and artistic too....yes it's possible !
  • From Quimper, Brittany, France
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

J'aime voir les gens entraînés par ce qui les dépasse, par leur art et leur altruisme.
Je m'amuse parfois a poser des questions sur les impasses de la vie pour mieux les imaginer et mieux les éviter.
Je cultive une vision non-materialiste du monde en aimant comprendre les causalité et les conséquences de nos actes.

Je crois que lorsque l'on se met au service d'un courant qui nous dépasse et qui nous rend heureux on ressent la certitude d'être sur le bon chemin.
Chaque jour j'essaie de sortir mes rêves de leur état de fantôme cataleptique pour leur faire prendre corps dans la matière.

# Travelling is not only about seeing new places but about having new eyes

# Today I just want to open mind to other points of view , other cultures , to discover how are living other peoples of my generation

# I want to take care of hapiness and why not try to make it progres

# Lightness

# Breathe deeply

# Travel light to travel far but keep the weight of certain principles

# Feeling is searching

# The fundamental dichotomy between professional control and spontaneity, between the conscious and the unconscious, between the expression that is structured, assembled and thought and the expression that is presented raw, as the product of an urgent impulse

# How long eternity last ? Sometime just one second

# When traveling abroad, you do not find so hidden wonders in this world than hidden wonders of your travel companions

# As usual we run very fast to stay in the same place

# Start where you are, do what you can, use what you have

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

# Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the things you did , so throw off the bowlines , sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover.


# Paintings with a knife

# Canoe or Kayak with Camping along rivers or coasts

  • traveling
  • painting
  • canoeing
  • kayaking
  • camping
  • rivers
  • diving

Music, Movies, and Books


# Moriarty
# Gnarls Barkley
# Zaz
# Markéta Irglová
# Nora Jones


# Le jour sans fin (Groundhog Day 1993)
# Coup de foudre à Notting Hill
# Once
# Les enfants du marais
# Mary à tout prix


# Chronicles from the future (Paul Amadeus Dienach)
# La physique des catastrophes

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

# Avoir visité un village d'une incarnation passée à été pour moi l'expérience la plus saisissante.

# La psychogénéalogie.

# Le yoga, le Tao, la rencontre avec un moine Tibétain Rinpoché.

# Canoé trip 10 days in autonomy

# Diving

# Cycling trip

Teach, Learn, Share

# Canoë, kayak

# slake line.

# Je peux vous apprendre a fabriquer des savons (ou des shampooing solides sans savon)

What I Can Share with Hosts

DOLMEN of Mané Kerionned (27 min/bike)

DOLMEN of Locmariaquer (22 min/car)

DIVE (about 50 E for a first one)

Countries I’ve Visited

Czech Republic, England, Germany, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain

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