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  • 2 references 2 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Russian; learning Dutch, German
  • 31, Female
  • Member since 2019
  • Evolutionary Biologist
  • PhD student
  • From Riga, Riga, Latvia
  • Profile 90% complete

About Me

A very important part of my life is nature and how we interact with it. It has taught me a lot of things about how to get out of the toughest life circumstances - and that's why I decided to study evolutionary biology, to understand how different species interact with the environment and change over time.
I love telling stories and listening to them. Not exactly a club person - more of a chilling on the beach person or one who values a good conversation.
I've travelled a lot around Europe, including in a trailer, and am still excited to travel more.
I have a dog, he's a very laid-back and unannoying fella, who won't bother you if you don't want him to. However, if you're allergic to dogs, it's best you don't stay at my place, because he sheds more than average!

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I'd like to meet more people from around the world, share the nice places I know around here and discover new ones. I'm up for an adventure, be it hiking, snorkelling, just hanging out around the island or trying to find that exact authentic pottery piece you're looking for.
I think the main point of travelling is meeting new people and this is exactly what this is about!


  • dogs
  • nature
  • conversation
  • snorkelling
  • nature walks

Music, Movies, and Books

I like punk-rock, folk and oldie rock. Sometimes I will listen to classics, like Vivaldi, Debussy and Chopin. I don't consider myself a great music fan though, my knowledge is really limited.
As for movies and books, a very big part of my life is Lord of the Rings, which I can discuss days and nights. I may not discuss it at all, it's not like it's the only thing I have in life. When I was a teenager, I used to do historical fencing to be like my favorite characters, and always ended up badly bruised. XD
Most of the literature I read is in Russian, but I'm fond of works by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. Regarding classics, my all-time favorite is Ulysses by James Joyce.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I got a PhD offer in a tropical island, while being severely depressed and working in a factory seven days a week. That's pretty amazing, right?

I rode a very fluffy horse through a snowy field in Russia and it was breathtaking. I picked apples in Brittany - they were golden, crisp and see-through. I made them into jam and gave a little bit to all my friends. Maybe they will now live forever - who knows?

Teach, Learn, Share

I can teach you:
- a bit of every language I know
- gardening
- making wish bracelets out of threads
- evolutionary biology
- stuff about coral reefs
- swimming
And I'm open to learning absolutely anything there is in the world.

What I Can Share with Hosts

I can share:
- car rides (as in "drive you around")
- a meal
- my dog
- give you a tour of a high-tech lab
- my sofa and kitchen fact, anything I have (:

Countries I’ve Visited

Belgium, Czech Republic, Egypt, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Philippines, Poland, Russian Federation, Spain, Tunisia, United Kingdom

Countries I’ve Lived In

Japan, Latvia, Netherlands, Russian Federation, United Kingdom

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