Fotos de Jeroen Elout

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Únete a Couchsurfing para ver el perfil completo de Jeroen.


  • 79 recomendaciones 38 Confirmadas y positivas
  • Idiomas que habla bien Dutch, English; está aprendiendo German, Spanish
  • 49, Hombre
  • Miembro desde 2007
  • diving Instructor and pilot
  • Pilot
  • De Lisse, South Holland, Netherlands
  • Has completado un 100% de tu perfil

Sobre mí


I travel around the globe connecting people to the ocean

Are you an ocean lover? 🐳

On our planet 🌎 five billion people can not swim.

FCOA likes to change that, we do so by training coaches to run freediving events.

Freediving is our tool 🔧 to make people fall in love 💘 with the ocean.

Our next 🌴10 day sponsored coach training program will get you ready to teach. On you can find when and where our next 10 day training starts (and there is NO CHARGE!!!) 🌴

The program has an abundance of hands on teaching opportunities like no other course, its very practical, forward and no nonsense. Afterwards your ability to teach will be real and drilled in trough the daily repetition.

Thanks to the donations of our participants of the past and thanks to the generosity of our coaches we can offer this program at NO CHARGE often including food 🍚 and a place to sleep ⛪. You only need to pay for your transport.

So find a flight ✈ to Manila or where ever we are conducting in the world.

Many of our participants of the past now make a living teaching Freediving, we continue helping each other, we do workshops on event planning and marketing and experienced coaches keep coming back to help out with the sponsored program.

The fact that this FREE program gets conducted in the center of marine biodiversity at a place with caves and shipwrecks is a nice bonus

Check out the link with the rules of the event. If you have questions just ask.

Greetings from the Philippines

Jeroen Elout

Founder of Freediving Coaches of Asia

Por qué estoy en Couchsurfing


about 4 days in a week we live either in Batangas Anilao or Puerto Galera both about 4 hours away from Manila, we rent 2 little houses close to the water and have in both a guestroom. Besides that I have a couple of tents to pitch in the front yard. There is a nice little mountain top to be conquered next to out base, it's called Mt. Gulugod Baboy, so sometimes we walk up there (2 and half hour) and camp on top.

The place is beautiful and great for snorkeling, freediving, or simply relaxing and listening to the waves.


Couchsurfing is a special website and couch surfers are special people, in general, they are full of adventure, easy going, flexible, tolerant to peoples believes and cultures.

Occasionally it get's busy with couchsurfers here in Anilao, some come for the mountain others for freediving, the biggest group we had here was 30 people with 7 nationalities 12 of them couch surfers.

Other experiences,

Meet ups for rock climbing
Meet ups for spanish classes, all trough CS

It might be most efficient to contact me via Facebook : Jeroen Elout


Diving, Sailing, trying new things

  • writing
  • cooking
  • instructor
  • flying
  • aviation
  • movies
  • guitar
  • camping
  • scuba diving
  • snorkeling
  • rock climbing

Música, películas y libros

I make my own,

Algo increíble que he hecho

Setting up DivingDutchman, my litte one man divingschool on Malta in the medeteranian.

Enseña, aprende, comparte

I enjoy showing people the underwater world

Qué puedo ofrecer a los anfitriones

When ever I'm hosted I like to cook to return the favor.

Países que he visitado

Australia, Belgium, Belize, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Fiji, Finland, Hungary, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Philippines, Singapore, Sweden, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United States

Países en los que he vivido

Australia, Dominican Republic, Fiji, Finland, Guatemala, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, Philippines, Thailand, United States

Insignias antiguas

  • 3 Respaldars

Únete a Couchsurfing para ver el perfil completo de Jeroen.

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