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  • 52 references 22 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English; learning Chinese (Simplified)
  • 33, Male
  • Member since 2011
  • Entrepreneur
  • No education listed
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Hey guys, I don't do Couchsurfing anymore :/ why? Because I've been on Couchsurfing for years and I've hosted allot of people. In the early 2000's, somewhat recently, Couchsurfing changed it's status from a Non-profit to for profit. What does that mean? The original mission of Couchsurfing was to bring free, unexpected return and genuine experience between people. What changed? Money is an item of transaction and not interaction and with that change the core is lost.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I went to many countries with the kindness of people and stayed on their couches, slept under their dining room table and in their beds. Yes, I even slept inside homes of people who tried to touch me in the night. Scary? No, because I knew myself. I still think there is allot of good and it is fun but I can't help but feel many people are here to take now, rather than give.


I enjoy sleeping with strangers. Lol what the fk am I supposed to say. Hiking, surfing, swimming, running, camping. I surfed in 3 meter waves in South Africa, I hiked some of the highest mountains and swam long distance in some of the coldest water. I am a soldier, an entrepreneur, a fitness enthusiast, a person of nature, and someone who's lived, loved and giving everything.

I have my own business and I've been doing that for 10 years, I program my own websites and I write my own blog, I teach English to primary school students, and I work harder than most so that I can pay my bills and stay away from trouble to live a good life. I'm always working towards going back to nature, if you do 🌿🍄

  • beaches
  • mountains

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I've been around the world. There is not one but many. In South Africa, I went to the crystal clear blue waters almost everyday, swam in kelp and salt water. Hiked mountains almost every day and watched the sun set over the ocean. The sky turned a fire red on occasion and one time I witnessed a panoramic rainbow sky for sunset which is special and I have not seen it elsewhere. In Philippines I tried to go to the beach everyday and swim in the water, I traveled to far locations including Caramoan where people do not travel, and there are small tribes there living a traditional way of life. Likewise in the mountains of Philippines, I spent everyday possible among the Pine Trees, looking for mushrooms and relaxing on the grass, after which retreating to my log-cabin style house. In China, I try go running every day and land-up at a river 1km down from the school, where I swim in the open water of a brown river filled with the goodness of nature. There there are few people and it is possible to find peace. Additional experiences include swimming with whale sharks, cycling up a high mountain in Switzerland with 1-gear bike, stupid. Eating fresh baked bread and cheese in Paris, and realizing the whole Paris image is a scam. Traveling to New York and walking the whole of New York in 1 day, from uptown to downtown, stupid. But I did find a nice air sea museum near Chelsea. After New York, I realized that the whole image of New York is a scam.

Teach, Learn, Share

I can teach you that you're probably looking for something that you shouldn't and what you seek is right now.

What I Can Share with Hosts

What should I share with you and what makes you think I will share it?

Countries I’ve Visited

Belgium, Canada, France, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Israel, Laos, Netherlands, Philippines, Singapore, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Viet Nam

Countries I’ve Lived In

China, Philippines, South Africa, Thailand

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