Fotos de Pedro Acefe

Perfil no verificado

  • Pago no verificado
  • Teléfono no verificado
  • Documento de identidad no verificado

Acepta invitados

  • Última conexión hace casi 5 años

Únete a Couchsurfing para ver el perfil completo de Pedro.


  • 1 recomendación
  • Idiomas que habla bien English, Spanish; está aprendiendo French
  • 28, Hombre
  • Miembro desde 2015
  • Musician and Visual Artist
  • California College of the Arts
  • De Los Angeles, CA, USA
  • Has completado un 100% de tu perfil

Sobre mí

Hi, I am Pedro, a musician and visual artist from Oakland, California. I'm really interested in learning about different cultures, meeting new people and trying different foods. I was born in Guadalajara, Mexico and am currently living in Oakland, California.

If you're interested, you can listen to my music here:

Por qué estoy en Couchsurfing

I'd like to meet locals and get a taste of the local's perspective on things.


  • cooking
  • reading
  • music
  • art
  • food
  • film

Música, películas y libros

Avatar, The Alchemist, Ant Man, Tame Impala, Pond, Gum, Deerhunter

Algo increíble que he hecho

I went to Prague on my own for one entire month. Did the same thing for Budapest the following year.

Enseña, aprende, comparte

I can teach how to play guitar and or draw/paint. How to speak Spanish and/or English I also know how to make sushi.

Qué puedo ofrecer a los anfitriones

Commissioned free drawings
Cooking recipes

Países que he visitado

Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Mexico

Países en los que he vivido

Mexico, United States

Únete a Couchsurfing para ver el perfil completo de Pedro.

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