Fotos de Jennie Tao

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Visão geral

  • 17 referências 16 Confirmado e Positivo
  • Fluente em: Chinese (Simplified), English; aprendendo: Spanish
  • 25, Feminino
  • Membro desde 2012
  • teacher
  • university
  • De Nanchang, Jiangxi, China
  • Perfil 100% concluído

Sobre Mim

l am an easy going, open-minded and adventureous traveler. I can not stay in door for a long time and I love climbing, hiking, or bike-riding. The meaning of life is exploring new things and I never stop exploring. I would like to meet new and interesting people with whom to share cool and funny moments, to laugh, check out new places, people and foods and get great experiences.

I love meeting people, hearing their stories, sharing mine.

Life is beautiful and we need to enjoy every moment ;)

Por que estou no Couchsurfing?

I met while traveling with couchsurfing and enjoyed spending time with people you could look through the same window. Discovering places with local people is much more efficient. If someone had told me before I met this practice; I would have believed that I would be happy to spend time traveling with people I never knew, and that I would learn a lot from them. But now the first thing I do where I go is to get help from Couchsurfing.


  • running
  • cartoons
  • movies
  • reading
  • rock music
  • hiking
  • camping
  • bike riding
  • sleeping under the stars

Músicas, Filmes e Livros

pop ,classical ,r&b
all kinds of wonderful movies
I can listen almost everythings as I like to discover new things. The music I listen depends on my current mood, never enjoyed just one style, because there is so much beautiful and cool music that I enjoyed them all. Any music is worth a listening

Uma Coisa Incrível que Eu Fiz

Riding with the wind, hiking with the mountain, shining with different people.

O Que Posso Compartilhar com Anfitriões

Chinese food and interesting stories

Países que Visitei

Cambodia, China, Egypt, France, Georgia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Maldives, Nepal, Philippines, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Vatican City State, Viet Nam

Países em que Morei


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Meus Grupos