Michel GOURVES's Photo

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  • Last login 4 days ago

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  • 279 references 235 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in Breton, English, French, Portuguese, Swedish; learning Guaraní
  • 76, Male
  • Member since 2007
  • Sailor - Navigateur solitaire - Velejador
  • Medecine + Engineer NTIC
  • From Quimper, Brittany, France
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

PLEASE READ MY FILE COMPLETELY !! Including MY HOME part (before sending crazy requests)

SORRY BUT I WILL NOT REPLY ANY MORE TO CouchRequests if not made through the normal Couch request file
and to those which are obviously "copy and paste " messages.


Pior que naufragar é... não partir ! (Amyr Klink)


I'm living on my sailing boat Ketch 58 feet since 2006
Moro no meu veleiro ketch 58 pês desde 2006
Je vis sur mon bateau (Horizonte Azul) ketch 18 mètres depuis 2006



Un arbre qui tombe fait plus de bruit qu'une forêt qui pousse ...

Never concentrate energy on a PROBLEM... But yes on the SOLUTION

Cada um que passa em nossa vida
Passa só, pois cada pessoa é unica
E nenhuma substitui a outra.
Cada um que passa em nossa vida
Passa sozinho, mas não vai só
Nem nos deixa só.
Leva um pouco de nós,
Deixa um pouco de si.
Há os que levaram muito,
Mas não há que não deixaram nada...


Un eclair, puis plus rien ...
Fugitive beaute dont le regard me fit soudainement renaitre
Ne te verrai-je plus que dans l'eternite ?
Ailleurs, bien loin d'ici, trop tard, jamais peut-etre,
Car j'ignore ou tu fuis, tu ne sais ou je vais ...
O toi que j'eusse aimee, O toi qui le savait.

Charles Beaudelaire
(A une passante, Les Fleurs du Mal)

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

Sailors basically love loneliness, but sometimes also we need company and like to share our experiences and, obviously, make new ones.

After a 16 years experience, I feel that CS spirit has changed a lot and so I'm now MUCH MORE selective... I'm not just a free hostel ....
So I host people I find interesting (not Trip Adviser or Lonely planet basic tourists...)
Show me you are an original, genuine and warm human being

("How to succeed in DesUnited States ? A lot of ignorance, A lot of self-confidence." Mark Twain) ::))


Sciences, Economy, Politic
Meeting interesting people
Share Magic Moments

Music, Movies, and Books

I play Diatonic Accordeon (sailors songs)
And there is harmonica, irish flutes... on board.

Books ? Mainly ones telling this :
" Um homem precisa viajar. por sua conta, não por meio de histórias, livros ou TV. Precisa viajar por si, com seus olhos e pés, para entender o que é seu. Para um dia plantar as suas próprias árvores e dar-lhes valor. Conhecer o frio para conhecer o calor. E o oposto. sentir a distância e o desabrigo para estar bem sob o próprio teto. Um homem precisa viajar para lugares que não conhece para quebrar essa arrogância que nos faz ver o mundo como o imaginamos, e não simplesmente como é ou pode ser; que nos faz professores e doutores do que não vimos, quando deveríamos ser alunos, e simplesmente ir ver."
Amyr Klink, Mar sem fim

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Just the last one : Made my dream come true : living on the sea around the world...
I just now fully realise what a chance it is !
No physical boarders ! Just some crazy technocrats

Teach, Learn, Share

I Can share a part trip sailing to my next destination (only to confirmed sailors)
I can explain navigation on a big sailing boat

After 18 years living on sea and in nature, I found that clothes were neither natural nor a need of any kind, so when I'm alone I usually live naked on board and just want to express this here now.
But this must not be a problem between me and my guests, I'm respectful.
So you will be free to do the same IF IT'S NATURAL FOR YOU
But Plse just discuss it in your request BEFORE COMING... (or I will not respond)

What I Can Share with Hosts

Hanging up in Paraty best places
Romantic cruises
Unforgettable Moments.......

Countries I’ve Visited

Afghanistan, Algeria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, French Guiana, Greece, Iceland, India, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Kenya, Libya, Mali, Martinique, Nepal, Paraguay, Senegal, Spain, Sweden, Turkey

Countries I’ve Lived In

Brazil, France, Kenya, Morocco, Spain, Sweden, Tunisia, United Kingdom

Old School Badges

  • 8 Vouches

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