Veton Tigani's Photo

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  • 1 reference
  • Fluent in Albanian, English, German; learning Serbian, Spanish
  • 34, Male
  • Member since 2014
  • Freelancer
  • Computer Engineering Student
  • From Peja, Peć District
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Believe it or not... I filled this section many times with 200+ words and deleted it in the end repeating it over and over again asking myself... I mean... I would be able to write a novel about my crazy interesting life and personality but the thing is... I don't want others to feel like I'm bragging or bore them to death maybe. That Is why I'm always exited of hearing the most honestly brutal opinions of people & friends about me so that I can discover my mistakes, bad habits & improve myself or... prove them wrong, if it happens to be a critic which is untrue. Regardless what I will tell you about myself, these are all things which get to be known with the time spending with each other. So, better leave it as a surprise since everyone has different taste towards different characters. And if you feel curious about me, you can always read about my interests & hobbies so that you can create an image of how I might be. Feel free to contact me any time or stalk my facebook profile for what I care. But as for the beginning I would rather leave it this way instead of writing something everyone likes to hear.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

Well... I must admit it's the cheapest way of accommodation for me since I come from the poorest country in Europe. But I also love meeting and sharing thoughts, views & opinions with people from different cultures. It makes me forget that I'm isolated it my country (We don't have visa liberalization yet). But luckily I finally got my second Shengen Visa on my passport and now I don't have any trouble applying for Visa to other countries since I earned their trust.


  • paintball
  • technology
  • science
  • gaming

Music, Movies, and Books

I usually listen to all kind of music genres but I prefer rock/metal above the rest.
I don't mind watching any movie but I prefer Sci-Fi, Documentaries, Comedy & Horror, but I must admit that recently I'm getting bored of mainstream action movies which violate the laws of physics in ways beyond ridiculous.
When It comes to books, I prefer only those Scientific ones which discuss latest Hypotheses & Theories.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Well... I'm glad I had the experience of going through war in my life, it makes you see life differently and appreciate it more. I had a hard time surviving and I always get to know myself and become fascinated how I always manage to find a way.
People enjoy hearing my stories.
It depends on how the individual defines Amazing based on their interests. Maybe some of my work may seem Amazing to someone, maybe boring. But regardless... I wouldn't like to brag about it.

Countries I’ve Visited

Albania, Austria, Macedonia, Poland, Slovenia

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