Aaron Luong's Photo

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  • 61 references 33 Confirmed & Positive
  • No languages listed
  • 37, Male
  • Member since 2013
  • Senior Business Analyst, Global Markets, Corporate & ...
  • Master of Biomedical Engineering
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

*Disclaimer: As a traveler, your schedule might be flexible. However, if you book through hotel, you have to cancel at least 72 hours in advance before your booking to be eligible for the refund of your deposit. If I accept your request, please inform me at least 5 days in advance if you can't come or you found another friend/relative in Singapore to host you. I believe that no host will be happy if you don't show up on the day they expect or inform them just a few hours before you reach. Pls be considerate and respect others to make sure that u have truly wonderful experience in CS^^


Achieve successful career in Finance. Explore the exciting world


Love travelling and to be connected to the world!
Going and witnessing. Seeing and feeling.

These are the reasons when leaving everything behind once in a while carrying a big backpack

1. I enjoy

Just like every couch surfer, I am engrossed with couch surfing. A long journey by land road has been my dreams for years after started being exhausted with the long flights, tired with earning for my living, putting money into pocket, going for trips and then working to earn money again.

I patiently set the plans of my journeys because I made me feel safe and organized. Especially when everything was planned in advance.

Therefore, all I need now are days slowly passing by underneath my shoes and up above my packbags. I need time to feel a land, not just being there, taking some pictures and then coming home.

2. I have a dream, and I am trying my best to make my dream destination come true.
3. Because I am too young

You probably reject. 28 in Vietnam is not young. By my age, some have children and enjoy the happiness with their husbands/wives. Oh, I am not exactly of group-think type. I am happy because I am too young and I have the full control of the happiest time of my life. Youth gives us space to try things, allows us to make mistakes and grow up from those mistakes.

5. Because I am too small and the world is too big

I want to go to experience the enourmousness of the world, the cuteness of life and see how many good people I can meet. I have escaped from years of going up and down with work, totally devoted into things which I used to think meaningful to my life, and now I am looking at life from another perspective.

Hopefully you will spend some time taking a glance at my life on that little corner.

For more information, please visit my Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mqluong

*** About my job:
I was once a scientist. Being a banker at the moment, I’m totally in love with it (U can ask me why I decided to quit my profession when we meet). It is where money is generated haha. It satisfied my starving for financial world.
*** About my passion for traveling:

I was born in a small village in the Southern Vietnam.
I'm addicted to travelling, feed my passion by meeting different people, stepping on different lands and trying different things. Despite my addiction, I respect all people who don't have the same ideas to me. Your thinking is not the same with mine and my beliefs may be contrary to the others™. This world is so huge and people are so diversified, that makes life wonderful.

Traveling forces you to live in the moment, right here and right now. So, forget the past which have gone, stop worrying about the future which have not come yet, and living this present.

*** About my character:

Honest, Sensitive, Straightforward and Open minded.

I'm the kind of person whom you can talk hours about travel, life and anything you like. I love volunteer work and help out whenever I can.


"Life is a journey, not a destination"

"Live in the moment and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering"

"Even if we don't have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there."

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


Friends' recommendation


TRAVELED: China (including Tibet), England, France, Indonesia, Malaysia, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, United States, Cambodia, Turkey, Germany,
Kyzgystan, Uzberkistan, Georgia, Oman, Egypt, India

LIVED: Dubai (UAE), Singapore, Vietnam


Meeting fantastic people all whom share the passion for travel, share ideas of who, what, where. Travelling gives me a chance to explore the diversity of life.

Fashion & Movie
Books and magazines
Adventurous games

  • business
  • economics
  • finance
  • real estate
  • marvel
  • cryptocurrency

Music, Movies, and Books

Books: Harry Porter, The Da Vinci Code, Angel and Demon

Music: Lady Gaga
Movie: Dune
Series: Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon, Shogun

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

_ Trekked 3 km to the mountain of Ijen Lake (East Java) since 1 AM to 7AM. Continue to trek and explore the region through 2 days of travelling. Very intensive trip!

_ Travelled to Tibet (high altitude sickness)

_ Living my life without regrets.

Countries I’ve Visited

China, Indonesia, Italy, Myanmar, Spain, United Kingdom, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

Netherlands, Singapore, United Arab Emirates

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