Фотографии пользователя Adelina Lintuluoto

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  • Последний раз на сайте: почти 5 лет назад

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  • 10 отзывов 9 Подтвержденные хостом и гостем
  • Знает English, Finnish, Swedish; изучает French
  • 30, Женский
  • Пользователь с 2015
  • Research assistant / part time student
  • Currently studying physics at the University of Helsinki
  • Родной город не указан
  • Профиль заполнен на 95%

Обо мне

I had to change my profile a bit, after realizing I composed it as if it was one of my school lab reports. I guess old habits die hard ;) The truth is I'm a girl who genuinely loves to meet new people and hear their life stories. I live for good stories.

But there is also the academic side of me. I am currently studying physics at the University of Helsinki and I am very fond of programming. Programming is heavily embedded in my studies but I've now branched out to machine learning and game developing!

I'm a big animal lover. I grew up surrounded by a lot of animals and it's just recently, since I moved to Helsinki that I've experienced strong abstinence from lack of animals.

I've been training kickboxing for a few years (currently 3 times a week) and I LOVE climbing. Indoor, outdoor, lead or bouldering. I also enjoy yoga and actually just about every activity. Before moving to Helsinki I rode horses since the age of 7.

I've been working as a waitress and a bartender (during summer) for the last four years and I have really enjoyed it. I would describe myself as a people person, why I've enjoyed customer service :)

Что привело меня на Couchsurfing

I want to be completely honest and with that I have to confess that the biggest contributor for me joining couchsurfing, was for the opportunity of cheap accommodation while travelling. However after just the first few hours of my first surfing experience that all changed. Couchsurfing has given me so much, most of all friends all over the world as well as a completely changed idea on how you 'should' spend your life (I realized that there is no right answer)

I've enjoyed having people over at my small apartment in Helsinki just as much as I've enjoyed being a surfer myself. I can not put into words how grateful I am for finding this community.


I LOVE board games, or games in general. Me and my friends gather almost every week to play bridge together. Not to brag but my friend and I came in second in an amateur bridge game hehe

I have now even started to make games myself. I love participating in game jams. You can find my GGJ profile at https://globalgamejam.org/users/adelinalintu where you'll even find zip files to download of the games I've made :)

  • animals
  • physics
  • learning languages
  • horse riding
  • quantum physics
  • learning new things
  • climbing
  • programming
  • kickboxing
  • particle physics

Музыка, кино и книги

Haha it's a real gulity pleasure of mine to read the books of Dan Brown, especially the ones with the protagonist Robert Langdon. I know.. Other then that. I haven't really had time to read non-academic books for the last few years. But my all time favourite book might be 'Mr Tompkins in Wonderland'. I highly recommend everybody to check it out! (It's a very short book so just do it)

I don't have one particular genre of music that I prefer, I listen to whatever I like. But Swedish rap is definitely always a safe choice. Daniel Adams-ray, Oskar Linnros, Tjuvjakt, Afasi & Filthy, Timbuktu.. the list goes on.

Same goes for movies.

Классная вещь, которую я сделал(-а)

Making the choice to study physics.

Чем я могу поделиться с хостами

A great laugh, some mediocre cooking-skills and if you're interested some discussions about quantum physics :)

Где я побывал(-а)

Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, United States

Где я жил(-а)

Finland, France, Switzerland

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