Fotos de Adi Mashur

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  • 43 recomendaciones 17 Confirmadas y positivas
  • Idiomas que habla bien English, Hebrew (modern), Low German, Malay, Swiss German; está aprendiendo Italian, Japanese, Kurmanji Kurdish, Sign Language - Israeli, Spanish
  • 31, Hombre
  • Miembro desde 2015
  • indonesia
  • psychologist,Management,education, and religion studies
  • No se ha indicado la ciudad natal
  • Has completado un 100% de tu perfil

Sobre mí

Currently stay in malaysia but from indonesia,

FIRST READ : I am not always opening couchsurfing app but i am never reject meet up request so please reach me to my new whats app+62895640452682, ( Main whats app ) , My line : Mansurni. abadi , My telegram : +62895640452682, or to my email ...

current mision : 1. improve my english ,2.making new friend,3. help other poeple,4. sharing about culture, and 5. traveling together, and 6. doing social project with literacy community and mental health awareness community
you can read my story :
regarding literacy you can read my story :

Because i have literacy project dont forget if you want come to bandar lampung please contribute for my local library , you can bring new or secondhand book. i am also offerr with my community bring you become volunter visiting local village and then we can traveling together.
I am also like coin , i am collected coin from few nation hope you can bring coin for my collection if you can

PHILOSOPHY : Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning. and most important must know not believe ( i dont want to believe i want to know )
- Everything in our life is relative.
In any situation (people, time, place) you can find your positive things :)
-Are you black or white, are you gay or straight, are you rich or poor, are you religious or irreligious, are you believer or unbeliever, are you theist or atheist, you will always be my friends :)
- The less we have ... The more we are the more we have... the last we are.

CURRENT STUDY : graduate from economic and pscyhology

SHALOOM alaichem

I come from Surabaya city but now lives in lampung , I am a person who likes to learn different cultures ( open minded ) . I always learn about new knowledges and very interest about diferent culture, iam like if we can talk about many perspective of knowledge and i very interested about social enggament.

MY view about world is
i care diversity / pluralism
i care freedom
i care about education
i hate intolerance and propaganda using religion

Por qué estoy en Couchsurfing

to make new friends and share experiences and learn about interesting things and learn more about different culture
to learn from other
to share about story and knowledge
for me sharing is caring


social science
inter faith dialogue
Playing GUITAR
Playing BASS
FOLK RELIGION and tribe Studies

  • culture
  • books
  • education
  • ethics
  • dining
  • clubbing
  • traveling
  • blogging
  • music
  • guitar
  • biology
  • teaching
  • history
  • psychology
  • religion
  • science
  • social science
  • sociology

Música, películas y libros

music: Pearl Jam, Sigur Rós, Xavier Rudd, Joseph Arthur, Godspeed You!Black Emperor, Mogwai, Pelican, Tool, Prem Joshua, Dave Matthews Band, Explosions in the Sky, Tori Amos, Dirty Three, The Arcade Fire, Mint Royale, Aqualung, Florence + The Machine, Jeff Buckley, Madredeus, Wolfmother, 65daysofstatic, Snow Patrol, Rodrigo & Gabriela, MGMT, Yeasayer, Fleet Foxes, Bon Iver, Ben Harper, Ted Leo and The Pharmacists, Copeland, Matt Wertz, Mat Kearney, Matt Nathanson, Tex Perkins, Klaxons, Matisyahu, of Montreal, Tom McRae, Sol Seppy, Santogold, Camera Obscura, The Reindeer Section, TV on the Radio, Buzzcocks, Beirut, The Twilight Sad, Jorge Drexler, Madrugada, The Appleseed Cast, Kubb, Bajofondo Tango Club, Gotan Project, Rocky Votolato, God is an Astronaut, Battles, The Veils, The Decemberists, Sparklehorse, I'm From Barcelona, Boy Kill Boy, Jimi Hendrix, Fujiya & Miyagi, Panda Bear, Blonde Redhead, Mariza, Andrew Bird, ¡Forward, Russia!,

eyal golan from israel song
mordechai ben david
michael jackson
the beatles
all music rock and pop
israel music
bahai song
linkin park

ABOUT FILM i like israel film
DOCUMENTARY FILM,GERMAN FILM, RUsian film, and also psychology film

i love every book
Business/Management, travel, European Union, Eastern Europe, Latin America, Asia, India, China, Africa, peace, history, religions, human migration, information technology, emerging markets, biotechnology, entrepreneurship, venture capital, capitalism, globalization, diversity, non-profit social entepreneurship

1. COSMOS - Carl Sagan
2. Physics of the Future - Michio Kaku
-> What about the future of mankind 100, 1000, 10, 000 years to come, based on the development of science and technology now? Kaku tried to describe future ahead, even intergalactic journey that we see in sci-fi.

1. Madilog - Tan Malaka
2. Reason in Revolt: Dialectical Philosophy and Modern Science - Alan Woods, Ted Grant
3. western history of philosophy daniel bennet
4. moral landscape from sam haris

1. Allah, Liberty and Love - Irshad Manji
-> A very good book, and very controversial, about LGBT in the Muslim faith ....
2. Nine Parts of Desire: The Hidden World of Islamic Women - Geraldine Brooks
3. The Madness of God / The End of Reason - Ibn Al Shawni
4. Disproving Christianity - David G. Macaffee
5. The Missionary Position (Hitchens) - About Mother Teresa and her "good" deeds.
6. misquoting Jesus - Bart Ehrman
-> Describe the history of the writing of the Bible.

1. Political Order in Changing Societies - Samuel P. Huntington
-> About the importance of political institutions in the process of modernization.
2. Upside Down: A Primer for the Looking-Glass World - Eduardo Galeano
3. Development as Freedom - Amartya Sen
4. Game Change (Heilemann, Halperin) - About the American election of 2008. Fun, detail and funny (especially fitting at the Sarah Palin; you do not know how unprepared she was)


1. The World is Flat (Tom Friedman) - Old but gold. A Concise summary of globalization, with emphasis on the 21st century.
2. The Future of Freedom (Fareed Zakaria) - On the concepts of liberty and democracy and how liberty is actually very undemocratic (in other words, just because there were elections / democracy, does not mean all the problems sorted out; sometimes there must be hal2 guns "up to vote ")
3. The Post-American World (Fareed Zakaria) - Fareed Zakaria view of America's role in the world after the post-1989 era of American hegemony began to expire (the rise of the rest).
4. The Trial of Henry Kissinger (Hitchens) - His war crimes.

1. The Two Ocean War karangan- Eliot Morison
-> About the history of the US Navy in World War 2.
2. Carnage and Culture - Victor Davis Hanson
-> Explain the Western military culture as the cause of supremacy of the West.

Anthropology / CULTURE
1. Defending the West: A Critique of Edward Said's Orientalism - Ibn Warraq
-> Finish Edward Said's book Orientalism racist.
2. The Bottom Billion - Paul Collier
-> Explain why many poor countries remain poor.
3. Orientalism (Edward Said) - not racist.
4. The Middle East (Bernard Lewis) - probably the best living historian of the region.

1, The Honest Truth about Dishonesty - Dan Ariely
2. The Upside of Irrationality: The Unexpected Benefits of Defying Logic - Dan Ariely
3. The Invisible Gorilla (Chabris, Simons) - Your brain is fooling you all the time. Makes me question what I think I know.
and many more book from susan blackmore and sam haris and also ivan pavlov

recent reads on the road:
- "The Inheritance of Loss" by Kiran Desai
- "Wings of Fire" by APJ Abdul Kalam
- "The White Tiger" - Aravind Adiga
- "Vagabonding" by Rolf Potts
- "20.000 Leagues Under the Sea" - Jules Verne
- Too many PADI diving manuals...
- "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time", by Mark Haddon
- "Do travel writers go to hell?" by Thomas Kohnstmann
- 'Out of Africa' by Karen Blixen
- 'Long Way Down, an African adventure' by Ewan McGregor
- 'Las venas abiertas de América Latina' by Eduardo Galeano
- 'Breve Historia del Paraguay' by Efraím Cardozo
- 'Road Fever' by Tim Cahill
- 'Bestiario'; 'Deshoras' by Julio Cortazar
- 'In Patagonia', by Bruce Chatwin
- 'The Gathering', by Anne Enright
- 'Ficciones', by Jorge Luis Borges
- 'Dona Flor e seus dois maridos', by Jorge Amado
- 'The Alchemist', by Paulo Coelho
- 'The Loss of El Dorado', by V.S. Naipaul
- 'Around the World in 80 days', by Jules Verne
- 'The Travels of Marco Polo', by Marco Polo
- 'The Cleft', by Doris Lessing
- 'Orientalism', by Edward Said
- 'The King's last song', by Geoff Ryman
- 'The Trial', by Franz Kafka
- 'Shantaram', by Gregory David Roberts
- 'A Thousand Splendid Suns', by Khaled Hosseini
- 'Kite Runner', by Khaled Hosseini

and also

like book about philosopy and psyhcology and book from richard dawskin
steven pinker
sigmund freud
carl jung
and leo tosloy
lawrance krauss
richard dawskin the god delusion
albert einstein
steven hawking the brief of time
charles darwin origin of species
and many more
for me read is my hoby


other my collection ebook :


Algo increíble que he hecho

Community involvement

- Founder of online movement National Alliance or aliansi nasional , my responsibility for creating online and offline campaign about anti- radicalism : active from January 2012 – December 2013.

- Cordinator Volunter at social community: “ Rumah Lamda” , my responsibility Created events for charity and follow up volunteer for coming doing serves: in Bandar lampung city , active from april 2012 – march 2013.

- Member of national Islamic college student movement,Ikatan mahasiswa muhammadiyah chapter Bandar lampung city : active from march 2013 – December 2016 .

- Founder of Youth for human right international mission chapter Bandar lampung , my responsiblilty is delivering educational material about human right and creating event about human right for increasing awarenss about united nation human right declaration in grassroot : in Bandar lampung city and tanggamus regency , active from august 2013 – Januari 2014.

- Member of Youth interfaith peacemaker chapter Lampung province : Bandar lampung city, active from july 2016 – Now .

- Founder social service community : Komunitas peduli ganggung jiwa lampung (kpdgl) , my responsibily is become spokesman, head of psychology division, and advocating homeless and poor people with mental illness for get treatment in mental health hospital : location activity in Bandar lampung city and suburb ,active from august 2017 – Now

- Founder of The way to Happiness foundation chapter Indonesia : my responbility creating event based from the way to happiness values,spreading the way to happiness booklet to public, and creating charity for helping homeless: location activity in Bandar lampung city , active from August 2017 – Now

- Volunter at international social service community : Foundation for drug free world or FDFW chapter Indonesia : my responbility is translating material to website , delivering seminar about drug to few areas in lampung who have high percentage drug users, and creating fanspage drug free world in Indonesia version : location Bandar lampung city, active from September 2017 – now,

- Founder of literacy group “ lampungngopi”, My responsibility is creating platform based calloborative action to promote scientific society through culture of reading and discussion : location Bandar lampung , active from April 2017 until now.

- Volunter at international social service community : World merit international chapter Bandar lampung as Head of public relation for local merit council my responsibility creating awareness to public about suistainable development goal in Bandar lampung city : location Bandar lampung city and suburb , active from Janury 2018 - until Now .


- 01st – 03th may 2015 : Seminar about Global citizen organized by AIESEC lampung university, in Bandar lampung city, lampung province.

- June 26th 2015 : Seminar about “ Bright Ideas : “Increasing the awareness of future young enterpreneurs” , organized by AIESEC lampung university in Bandar lampung city, lampung province.

- June 28th 2015 : seminar Becoming Successful Owner and Manager with theme “Equipping the Business Management skills of young enterpreneurs” with AIESEC Lampung university.

- 22nd until the 25th of July 2015 : Model United nation “countering global threat through cooperation” organized by ISAFIS (the Indonesian Students Association for International Studies) in UNIKA Atma Jaya University Jakarta, Indonesia.

- 21 – 23 th july 2016 : Youth interfaith peacemaker international Camp with theme “ Building peace generation through youth peacemaker “ organized by YIPC peace shalom in kaliurang, jogyakarta, Indonesia.

- 1 – 4th november 2016 : International seminar “Annual International Conference on Islamic Studies (AICIS)”, organized by ministry of religion affaird in Islamic government university Radin intan, Bandar lampung city , lampung province

- 11th March 2017 : Indonesian Youth Action 13.0 forum organized by IYA Network Yogyakarta in Jogjakarta, Indonesia.

- 25 july till 2 september 2017 : Awardee able foundation social volunteering scholarship to perth and Sydney , Australia organized by able foundation Australia doing social volunteering with local communities helping refugee from middle east and homeless and get training how to communication, make social project, and about theory-U for sdgs. .

- Desember 6 st – 7th 2017 : Conference asia facific future leader with theme “ The next leader for suistainable development goal “, organized by studec International in Hotel soleil, kuala lumpur, Malaysia.

- March 1st-4th : 2018,International Conference YOUCEO Thailand “Digital Entrepreneurship: Learning from the Best “, organized by youceo team Thailand in Bangkok, Thailand.

Enseña, aprende, comparte

teach and learn : psychology, antropology, para - psychology, Nlp, religion studies, philosophy, and hacking

share : traditional food, how to write, psychology, nlp, experience, and also internet hacking

i love sharing and discusion
my pasion is education, psychology, and religion including spirituality, and programing
so sometimes i follow social project like give a food for poor people and also teach poor children.

Qué puedo ofrecer a los anfitriones

and traditional food
and science like biology and chemical
history my country
computer hacking

Países que he visitado

Australia, Hong Kong, Macao, Malaysia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam

Países en los que he vivido

Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nauru, Thailand

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