Adrian Beck的照片


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  • 上次登录为 almost 6 years之前

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  • 4 评语 2 已确认并且正面评论
  • 精通 English, German
  • 30, 男
  • 成为会员的时间:2016
  • 未列出职业
  • german equivalent to A-Levels
  • 未列出家乡
  • 个人主页已完成 100%


First of all I have to admit I do not really get this whole social internet thingy. I am absolutely not familiar with the kind of tone on websites like this so I can just ask you to excuse any potential impoliteness :')
I'd appreciate you pointing it out to me though for that's the quickest way for me to learn how to deal with websites like this!

So. I grew up with my grandparents in a small village hosting 200 people, five dozens of cows, hundreds of chicken and a few dogs. I have not encountered a television or an actual fridge until I went to elementary school , neither do I understand why you need a phone to text people living half an hour from you. Doesn't matter if we do not hook up for a month or eight years, once my friend, always my friend - once my door has been opened for you, you always carry the key in your heart :)

So as weird as it sounds I grew up living a simple life and that has actually worked out for me in "adult life" too. So I do not care if it's just a bathtub or the carpet you can offer me, I'll more than gladly take it! The only thing I'm asking for is that I may repay the favor somehow, be it by doing some household stuff, by cooking dinner for us or with a massage. And of course if you are willing to host me, feel free to ask me at any given time and place for a couch to stay yourself! If you cannot sleep at my place I'll try to arrange something.
Namaste :)

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing

After me first moving out with 18 I lived in a lot of german cities for a month or two, roaming around on people's and friend's couches to see how they're living that fast-paced first world life I was struggling with after my childhood in the forest. After that I moved to Passau and then to Berlin - that's where I began hosting people, not via this site though. It was just random people I met on the streets, I met while meditating in the park, I met while partying.
Same thing for Asia, when I was backpacking there I used to sleep over at local's places a lot - none of this was planned though, it just "happened".

I made the conscious decision to trust every person I meet and to embrace every living being I come across. Because I have found the inner truth the ancient asian sages already knew, that you're always attracting what you're emitting. All I wanna do is meet people, see places, grow and learn and heal together with humanity. That's why I'm here :)


Scuba Diving
Thai Yoga Massages
Healing (like chakra meditation and balancing, chinese medicine and stuff. just getting into it :) )
(philosophy of every kind and culture, Michael Ende, Robert Schneider, Paolo Coelho... I've read way too many great books to name them all)
Trance/Goa music (now this is supposed to run under "my passions")

  • pets
  • dogs
  • culture
  • books
  • cooking
  • yoga
  • running
  • meditation
  • partying
  • reading
  • socializing
  • music
  • backpacking
  • scuba diving
  • teaching
  • medicine


I was taught how to genuinely love myself and to accept everything universe is offering you for thw greater good by a wonderful being I cannot even call "human" anymore. Most amazing thing to do and feel yet :)


If you have to get something carpentrish done I may be able to do it, I worked in a german carpentry for a year.
And believe me or not, I like cleaning a lot :D

I'll gladly do some baby- or animalsitting, I absolutely love children and pets of every kind! They are such great teachers of simplicity and joy :)

I worked in physiotherapy and I'm a certified thai yoga masseur. I learned it from my greek teacher, Takis. So if there's any issues with your body or mind or if you just wanna take a few hours of time for cleaning the mind, I'll gladly do a massage with you, gonna carry my yoga mat with me anyway :)

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