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  • 7 references 5 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Hindi, Malayalam, Urdu; learning Urdu
  • 21, Male
  • Member since 2022
  • Student
  • Doing my bachelor's degree.
  • From India
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Greetings! I am Aflah Ameen, a 20-year-old boy hailing from the land of coconut trees. I have always been drawn to exploring new places and experiencing diverse perspectives on life. Traveling has been my passion, and I find joy in covering long distances, having journeyed more than 4000 km across the beautiful subcontinent of India.

My inquisitive nature leads me to critically analyze situations, seeking a deeper understanding of the world around me. I am fascinated by the uniqueness of individuals and what brings them together as a community. Understanding the differences between people has been a driving force for my travels, and I believe that mutual learning is an essential aspect of personal growth.

So, this is me, an adventurer with an open heart, eager to engage with others and share insights on this incredible journey of life. Let's embark on this path together, learning and growing from each other's experiences.

Instagram id-

-*Current plannings*-

Studying BA in Journalism and Digital Media through distance learning while also engaging in travel guiding and travel and tourism consultancy.

in Kashmir.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I have always been drawn to the magic of stories, finding great joy in the diverse narratives shared by people from various cultural backgrounds. As a child, I eagerly listened to the captivating stories my grandparents told, and those tales left a profound impact on me. The power of storytelling ignited my curiosity to explore the essence of narratives, the different types of stories that exist, and the significance they hold in shaping our perspectives.

In my pursuit of discovering new stories and cultures, I embarked on solo travels over the past year, covering nearly 4000 kilometers. During my journeys, I became an avid observer, immersing myself in the rich tapestry of people's lives and the uniqueness of their traditions. This personal exploration led me to seek authentic connections with individuals from diverse walks of life.

Discovering Couchsurfing was a serendipitous encounter on my journey. On this platform, I have encountered a community of like-minded travelers and hosts, each with their own captivating stories to share. It's a space where I can truly connect with people, not just as a tourist but as a fellow human being eager to exchange experiences and embrace cultural diversity.

By being on Couchsurfing, I have discovered an extraordinary way to expand my horizons and embrace the beauty of human connections. Engaging with individuals from different backgrounds has enriched my understanding of the world and deepened my love for storytelling and cultural exploration. It's an exciting journey of learning, growing, and sharing the moments and stories that have touched my heart.

In conclusion, I am on Couchsurfing because it has become a doorway to incredible narratives and a means to build meaningful connections with people from diverse cultures, fostering mutual understanding and enriching my passion for storytelling and exploration.


I'm a person who always loved to learn new things, whenever I got a chance to participate in any event I will make sure to participate in it. ( topic matters) I travelled to some states in India by hitchhike

  • reading
  • traveling
  • music
  • cycling
  • hiking
  • talking

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Trekking to Tarsar Marsar Lake was an unforgettable adventure that spanned 4 to 6 days of awe-inspiring landscapes and heartwarming connections. From the moment I set foot on the trail, I knew I was in for something special. The journey led me to Lidderwat, where I not only discovered nature's beauty but also met a remarkable group of fellow trekkers who quickly became like family to me. Sharing laughter, stories, and overcoming challenges together made this experience truly amazing. The crystal-clear waters of Tarsar Marsar Lake reflected the surrounding snow-capped peaks, leaving me in awe of nature's grandeur. This trek taught me the value of human connections, the beauty of the outdoors, and the joy of pushing beyond my limits. It's a journey I will cherish forever.

Teach, Learn, Share

Learning is an ongoing process that extends beyond the confines of school or achieving high scores; it is a journey that lasts a lifetime. The fundamental goal of education is to shape individuals into well-rounded social beings, empowering them to lead and confront challenges with unwavering determination. As crucial as it is to acquire knowledge, it is equally essential to impart it to others, for that is the path to its expansion. Embrace the role of a guiding light in a darkroom by sharing your wisdom generously.

Personally, I possess the ability to teach valuable communication skills and event management techniques. While I am currently a beginner in learning the guitar, I am enthusiastic about sharing my progress and journey with others. Moreover, my culinary passion allows me to joyfully share my food with friends and fellow learners, as laughter and joy are an essential part of any learning experience 😁😝.

What I Can Share with Hosts

As a fellow traveler, there are several valuable things I can share with hosts during my journeys. One of the key offerings I have is my passion for storytelling and cultural exploration. I genuinely enjoy connecting with people from diverse backgrounds, listening to their stories, and sharing my own experiences. Through these interactions, I can foster mutual understanding and appreciation for different cultures, creating meaningful connections with my hosts.

Furthermore, I have a deep interest in learning about local customs, traditions, and cuisines. Sharing meals together is not just an act of hospitality but also an opportunity to exchange cultural insights. I am eager to try new dishes and, in turn, share some of my favorite recipes from my own cultural background.

Having traveled solo for quite some time, I have developed valuable communication skills and event management expertise. I am more than willing to assist hosts in organizing events or activities, helping create memorable experiences for everyone involved.

Moreover, I am currently learning the guitar, and while I may be a beginner, I would love to share some tunes and perhaps even play some songs to entertain and bring joy to my hosts.

Overall, I am excited to share my passion for learning, storytelling, and cultural exchange with my hosts. By being an enthusiastic learner and a compassionate sharer, I hope to leave a positive impact on the people I meet and create lasting memories during my travels.

Countries I’ve Visited


Countries I’ve Lived In


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