Fotos von Ahmet Molon

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  • Letzte Anmeldung vor 9 Tage

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  • 0 Referenzen
  • Spricht fließend English; lernt zurzeit Spanish
  • 34, Männlich
  • Mitglied seit 2016
  • IT Project Manager
  • Middle East Technical University
  • Kein Heimatort aufgeführt
  • Profil zu 100 % vollständig

Über mich

Hi, I’m Ahmet from sunny Antalya! I’m a IT project manager who loves to merge travel and art. I enjoy exploring urban landscapes and have a soft spot for street food. Through Couchsurfing, I've found incredible stories and friendships. I travel light, laugh often, and always bring my homemade chili sauce to share. I'm excited to learn and grow with each journey and meet new friends along the way!"

Warum ich bei Couchsurfing bin

I am interested in meeting new people , cultures .


  • camping
  • adventure travel
  • techno music
  • ethnic music
  • playstation
  • nature walks
  • information technology

Musik, Filme und Bücher

I love techno! and etnic musics from all over the world. I like to watch Guy Richie and Tarantino's movies. Lock Stock and two smoking barels is my favorite movie.

Lehren, lernen, teilen

I would love to learn new cultures from locals and share my cultural bakground.

Was ich mit Gastgebern teilen kann

I can share a room at centre of Porto and help to dicover city.

Länder, die ich besucht habe

Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Romania, Serbia, Spain

Länder, in denen ich gelebt habe

Portugal, Romania, Turkey

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